What is @vue/compiler-core?
The @vue/compiler-core package is a lower-level utility for compiling Vue.js templates into render functions. It is part of the Vue.js framework and is used internally by higher-level tools like vue-loader or @vue/compiler-sfc. It provides the core algorithms for parsing template syntax and generating JavaScript code from templates.
What are @vue/compiler-core's main functionalities?
Parsing Template Syntax
This feature allows you to parse Vue template syntax into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). The AST can then be manipulated or compiled into render functions.
import { baseParse } from '@vue/compiler-core';
const ast = baseParse('<div>Hello, {{ world }}</div>');
Compiling AST to Render Functions
This feature takes an AST and compiles it into JavaScript render functions, which can be used to render Vue components.
import { baseCompile } from '@vue/compiler-core';
const { code } = baseCompile('<div>Hello, {{ world }}</div>');
Transforming AST Nodes
This feature allows you to apply custom transformations to AST nodes. In this example, we're changing the content of an interpolation from 'world' to 'universe'.
import { transform } from '@vue/compiler-core';
import { createSimpleExpression } from '@vue/compiler-core';
const ast = baseParse('<div>Hello, {{ world }}</div>');
transform(ast, {
nodeTransforms: [
(node) => {
if (node.type === 5 /* INTERPOLATION */) {
node.content = createSimpleExpression('universe', false);
Other packages similar to @vue/compiler-core
Babel is a JavaScript compiler that includes capabilities for transforming syntax. While it is not specific to Vue, it provides similar functionality in terms of parsing code and generating abstract syntax trees, which can then be transformed and compiled.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. It includes a compiler that can parse TypeScript code, perform type checking, and output JavaScript code. It is similar to @vue/compiler-core in that it involves a compilation step, but it is focused on type safety and JavaScript rather than Vue templates.
Svelte is a compiler for building user interfaces. It compiles Svelte components, which are written in a syntax similar to Vue's, into efficient JavaScript code. Like @vue/compiler-core, Svelte provides a way to compile declarative components into imperative code that can be executed in the browser.